
The Self-Expression Project Group 5

All in due time: As the year long creative venture comes to a close, the last group of self-expression project designers respond to a more literal representation of time - the sundial. Designers studied the object for two weeks before diving in and translating their thoughts into axminster carpet.

To see the 12 month evolution of the project and a glimpse behind the conceptual scenes, check out Interiors + Sources' article Encouraging Expression here.

"My challenge for this project was to make the sundial into an abstract version of itself. By concentrating on the light striking the shiny gold arcs of the sundial, I was able to abstract the Da Vinci inspired mechanical drawings enough to achieve my final axminster design"

Donna Davis, Senior Designer, Brintons Americas

Design: Q01/A035680SE

"Natural light, changes in the weather, and even the texture of concrete it laid on guided my color and texture decisions. Studying the angles of the shadows cast throughout the day, I took the literal shapes and twisted them around using different opacities to create layers."

Cherise Porretto, Senior Designer, Brintons Americas

Design: Q01/A22370ZSE

"When given the sundial to respond to, I immediately envisioned a casino design with a large and detailed repeat. I wanted to create something that would draw in people’s attention and pique their curiosity."

Solongo Drini, Senior Designer, Brintons Americas

Design: Q01/A20366ZSE

I was inspired by the sundial’s representation of time. This lead me to think of butterflies and the chaos phenomena 'The Butterfly Theory'. The butterfly wings in my design symbolize alternate theories overlapping each other and the linear angles represent the gnomon of a sundial as they both intersect randomly."

Nandita Gharat-Hurt, Senior Designer, Brintons Americas

Design: Q01/A034616SE

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