Credence is a diverse collection that is heavily influenced by the juxtaposition of exposed surfaces and the unique imprints produced by natural phenomena.
Credence pays respects to the passing of time through a diverse collection influenced by the juxtaposition of exposed surfaces.
Pockets of salt water are trapped under dissipating ice, soft moss slowly grows across the face of an ancient earth, and fat paint chips from the aging canvas of an old master’s work.
These material binaries are poised against each other, struggling for rank and melting together in a uniquely fluid collection of designs. This common thread of nostalgic reflection echoes through the chasms of Credence, ushering to light the narrative of material vs. element.
Carpets in the Credence range
2/R122ZCE Credence
1/I923ZCE Credence
2/W3095CE Credence
2/W4159CE Credence
2/W4265CE Credence
2/W5872CE Credence
2/W6330CE Credence
2/W8647CE Credence
3/W1893CE Credence
3/W2444CE Credence
3/W3345CE Credence
1/W5531CE Credence