The story begins In November of 2019, when the Brintons team (naive to the following year’s insanity) traveled to New Mexico for a Brintons Design Conference.
After spending the weekend diving headfirst into the local art + maker scene, brushing up on the latest carpet design practices, reconnecting with carpet loving colleagues and celebrating all things Brintons, the team of creatives begins the journey to next groundbreaking design collection.
Following the path carved by our Self-Expression Project, an experiment where carpet designers were given different inspirational catalysts to respond to, the Brintons team looks to open the horizons of creation just a bit more. With Self-Expression’s second chapter, designers are given the space to choose their individual inspiration themselves.
Inspired by community, collaboration and the magic of The City Different, our designers created a collection of sixteen fully customizable Axminster carpet patterns, woven with our 80/20 wool-nylon blend, curated with the hospitality market in mind.
View the full Santa Fe collection here or visit our Design Studio Online (DSO) to play with color and flood the patterns into different room scenes.